
Today is March 16, 2024, and the entire world is facing a Pandemic, the Coronavirus. Governments are restricting travel, closing businesses and schools in an attempt to ameliorate the impact, not overloading the healthcare system with patients, and to save lives.

Along with businesses, Churches are cancelling services in cooperation to the health guidelines to limit gatherings to less than 250, in some places 50, people. These cancellations are understandably upsetting to many people with some claiming it shows a lack of faith in God’s power to heal and save us.

God can and absolutely has performed miracles in the past but it is also true that God has saved people through less supernatural means, the greatest example being how God the Father saved His Son from Herod.

The Slaughter of the Innocents is well documented both in Scripture and in other sources. To save His Son, God could have transported Him, Mary, and Joseph anywhere in the Universe. He could have sent Angels to repel Herod’s forces.

What did God do? He spoke to Joseph in a dream and told him to take Mary and the Child and flee to Egypt.

Now Joseph had witnessed miraculous events. He knew God was at work, a Choir of Angels singing Hosannas has that effect. He also was a practical, skilled artisan, capable of seeing alternative ways of accomplishing a task.

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No, he arose and fled. He did so out of obedience and prudence.

By doing so he became the savior of the Savior!

We need to be like Joseph. Our political leaders in conjunction with medical experts are trying to minimize the damage that Covid 19 will do. Whether the response is over the top or not is a difficult call as the situation changes almost hourly. I believe the most prudent action is to comply with the directives to limit person to person exposure both for our individual safety and the safety of others. Many of our Priests and Deacons are over 60 and in the high risk group.

Watch Mass on TV. Make a Spiritual Communion. Help your neighbor while maintaining safety for them and you.

Obey the recommendation of the Bishop as Joseph obeyed God.

Don’t demand a supernatural cure when a natural one is available.

God Bless and Take Care!

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During Lent, we are encouraged to prepare ourselves for the Saving Act that Christ accomplished on Calvary. Through Prayers, Fasting, and Almsgiving we try to empty ourselves of anything that would impede our acceptance of Jesus’ redemption of our souls.

During this Season we walk with Christ on His journey through the Readings the Church presents. Unfortunately, one very important person is missing in the Readings who without his heroic effort Christ never would have made it to Calvary.

That person is Saint Joseph, the Savior of the Savior!

When Mary was pregnant with Jesus but before she and Joseph lived together, she faced death by stoning as the penalty. This would also have killed Jesus. Joseph saved them both by taking Mary into his home.

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It was Joseph who protected them from bandits during the journey, who protected them from any enemies in Egypt, remember the Egyptians lost their Jewish slaves and suffered pain and death due to the plagues God sent.

Joseph saved Jesus and Mary daily by his work as a Carpenter, providing the necessities of life.

Joseph saved Jesus by carrying out his daily work in humble obscurity, not drawing attention to the family. To anyone near they were just another hard working family.

Joseph in every real sense protected Jesus during His early life so He would be alive later to complete the Father’s work.

Joseph is the Savior of the Savior.

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Many would agree that the greatest name in the history of the world is Jesus, as in the Christ.

“At the Name of Jesus, all knees must bow.”

The honor of bestowing the name on the Messiah was reserved for Joseph as he was appointed to be the earthly father of the child. In Jewish culture, a name signified more than just an individual identification.  It spoke of the very nature of the person to whom it was given and to God’s actions in creating that person and our cooperation with God. Names, in essence, have power and the right to give a name is reserved for a person who is in a superior role to the person receiving the name. Recall how God changed Abrams name to Abraham and how Jesus renamed Saul. In the normal course of events then, it is the father who pronounces their child’s name.

In the past few decades, it has become common among certain religious people to give a name to their Guardian Angel. The thinking behind this is that providing your Angel with a name will foster a closer relationship between you and them. There are several problems with this thinking.

First, it is almost certainly true that God the Father gave a name to all the Angels He created at the moment of their creation. Unless we are certain we know what God decided as a name then we are in effect changing part of God’s plan.

Second, as stated above, the right to grant a name belongs to one who is in a superior position. Where Angels are concerned, no human, except Jesus Christ who is True God and True Man, the Virgin Mother, and her earthly spouse Saint Joseph, can claim that as a fact. The dual nature of Jesus is called the Hypostatic Union. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph are forever linked together in heaven as they were on Earth and thus share a membership of this order. This order resides below the Trinity and above the Angels. But for the rest of us mere mortals to name our Guardian Angel is above our pay range.

Third, in Judeo-Christian belief, knowing the name of a spirit can provide you with some power over it. This is why Exorcists seek to learn the name of the demon who is in possession of a person. But Exorcists are first anointed, that is set apart, for the work they do, and second, receive training and authority from the Church, to fulfill their mission. Now in the case of our Guardian Angels, we certainly do not want to banish them from our lives. Using a name we think belongs to them, even if our intentions are good, is therefore problematic.

When it comes to our Guardian Angels we should just refer to them as such or possibly we could address them as our Counselor or Guide. The fact is we should each day acknowledge them, talk to them, and thank them as they are always at our side even when we step out of bounds in our actions.

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The importance of good Role Models is one of the few things nearly everyone agrees on. Who is a good Role Model is open to debate and argument, but the value of Role Models is an accepted fact.

For young people striving for success in sports, it may be a professional athlete. For budding scientists, it may be Madame Curie, Albert Einstein, or p站免费加速器. Their accomplishments and pioneering work set them apart from others of their time even if it took decades for their work to be acknowledged.

In the Catholic Church, an entire army of role models exists in the Church Triumphant. Among the souls of men and women who are now declared by the Church to be in heaven are Patrons of every good need and aspiration and we are encouraged to enlist their help to petition God for our need.

As today is Father’s Day, one outstanding example that should be mentioned is Saint Joseph. His merits are so vast that countless books, hymns, and prayers have been created to praise him. He is the par excellence positive Role Model for all men and especially Men who are Fathers.

Positive role models can make a difference but for some young people, life has been so rough that they can be blind to the good that is right in front of them. Their life is a real struggle to survive, pain, often emotional and frequently physical, is a daily companion, and thoughts of a life free of toil and fear are a vague dream.  Many in this state end up reliving the sins and errors of their fathers (or mothers) that caused them so much heartache. The sins of the father become generational and destroy the souls of those yet to be born.

But there is hope even for the hopeless and it resides within them as a gift from God although it must be carefully harnessed. That Gift is Anger, even that anger that borders on Hatred.

Children abused by a father in whatever way often grow to hate their male parent. They will refuse to use the term Dad! This hate, left to ferment over the years, can destroy the child as they grow into adulthood. Blind to any good in their lives the benefit of a Role Model is limited. But the way to escape the generational curse is to embrace the hate and turn it into a weapon of attack against the onslaught of painful, torturous memories. This is done by spitting in the face of the urgings they feel and choosing to live a life opposite of the negative reality of their earlier life.

If fighting was the norm then determine to be at peace with others even when your instinct is to lash out. If drunkenness fueled the discord then live a sober life. If lies and broken promises devoured you like a billion biting insects then make your word your bond.

Easy? No. But the negative emotions contain a power that can carve a breach through the darkness. Each single decision made to not lash out, to not disappoint, to not be AWOL to those who need you, clears a path for others to have the life you dreamt of and in so doing gives that life to you in small increments.

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The third installment of my blog for parents of special needs children can be read at: http://blog.catholicwritersguild.com/2018/03/all-fathers-are-called-to-be-warriors-the-need-to-advocate.html

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I am writing a monthly blog for parents of special needs children for the Catholic Writers Guild. Read the first installment here: http://blog.catholicwritersguild.com/2018/01/all-fathers-are-called-to-be-warriors.html

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Imagine if one of the survivors suggested that the strong among them kill off the weak so the scant resources would last longer. How would they be viewed by those reading the story?

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That suggestion, kill off the weak so there are sufficient resources for the strong is exactly what the overpopulation crowd is preaching. They cite statistics to back up their claim that the Earth lacks sufficient resources to support the number of people alive today or predicted to be alive in the near future.

Through Birth Control, Abortion, and Euthanasia, they propose to re-balance the Earth so the strong (they are among them) can live in prosperity.

Their arguments are allowed to be discussed logically because of the global nature of their plans. But if we shrink their hypothesis to a desolate island and call their procedures what is, Murder, well, such talk is not Politically Correct.

It all comes down to who is allowed to live and who must die. Sounds brutal because it is.

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A father’s role is to be the guardian and provider for his children. Yes, the mother and father work as a team, but nature seems to have assigned the nurturing aspect more to the mother and the protecting job to the father.

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As a father of eight, I have experienced the deep desire to shield and care for my newborn children at each one’s birth. Hopes for their future life filled with success were side by side with fears of the dangers of the world.

The fears ebb as the children grow and become more independent. Over the years, I have seen four of my children become strong, capable adults. Over the same period of time, Father Time has been less than kind to me, as he is to all. My strength and vigor have lessened to the point where I now welcome the help of my adult children in some matters.

This is the normal scheme of things, the Circle of Life as it is sometimes called. But life does not always proceed normally.

Four of my children are now able to care for themselves but four others are still acquiring the skills they need to deal with the world. They have intellectual disabilities that have slowed their progress. To be sure they are light years further along than the experts said they would ever be. Thank you, God! But their journey is far from over.

Because of this, the fear that has ebbed for my four older children persists for the four younger ones even though each is chronologically an adult. Each day is a race against time to try to help them gain one more skill and get one step closer to independence.

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The stark reality is a constant awareness. Plans have been made and they will hopefully succeed, but there is no guarantee.

In the darkest moments, I find myself praying for a request that is unnatural. Please, God, allow me to live to such an old age that I can bury my four youngest sons. In that way, I will always be around to watch over them.

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I do not want to live that again, but neither do I want my children left behind to deal with all the evil that this world can do. So I pray a prayer that if answered promises exceptional pain.

My prayer is not unique. I know of other parents of special needs children who have admitted to the same prayer.

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My duty to protect and train my children will continue my entire life and maybe their entire life. It gives me one more reason to defend myself against Father Time.

And I hope, even dream, of a time, one hundred or more years in the future, when I, my wife, and all my children can be together in a place where I know they are all safe forever.

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If you live in the Third World, you wonder when you will eat next, if you will get ill and die from a waterborne disease, an insect-transmitted killer or be a victim of one of the many ethnic wars.

Life altering versus life ending, that’s a difference. Yet, even so, we all yearn for the peace, the safety, and the security that we will experience once we are in heaven. One man who can relate to our concerns is Saint Joseph, so much so that perhaps he should be given the title The Patron Saint of Worriers.

Why Saint Joseph? Consider these events in his life. His betrothed is found pregnant. He loves her dearly and does not want to see her stoned to death yet the law requires it. Then he finds out the child she is carrying is the Messiah!

An order from the king requires him and Mary, now far on in the pregnancy, to travel along bandit-infested roads for the census. Upon arriving in Bethlehem, there is no room at the Inn.

Once the child is born, they take him to the Temple for His dedication. There a Prophet predicts a sword will pierce his wife’s heart.

Later, he is roused from sleep with a message to flee to Egypt as Herod wants to kill the child.

Again they journey through bandit-infested territory. They reach Egypt where they are strangers in a strange land. Joseph has to start from scratch as a carpenter to provide for his family.

After some years in Egypt, he is told it is safe to return, however, Herod’s nephew is now on the throne and he is a threat to Jesus.

They travel to the Temple when Jesus is twelve years old and He gets lost for three days during the return journey.

These are the problems we know about from the Bible. Are there more?

Since Joseph was a real human being doing his best to do God’s will, we can reasonably assume he met with other challenges not written about in Scripture.

And yet, through it all, Joseph remained attentive to God’s guidance for his life.

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Of course, there are those of us who need a two by four across the skull to get our attention. But it is less painful to slow down and pay attention.

Joseph was alert to God as he slept when God spoke to him in his dreams. Is it possible he was alert as he worked in his shop? I think so. As Joseph shaped a piece of wood (maybe a two by four) for a project, his mind concentrating on his work, he remained open to God’s promptings. He did not need a smack on the head for God to get his attention.

Joseph worked for his family, finding blessed distraction in his labors when problems were present.  But more than the work, his certainty that God would care for them, kept him grounded.

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Worry was handled by obedience to the promptings of the Spirit. That is a method we can all use.

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